by David Edge | May 25, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Jean and Gabe had grown up in the same small town, and their birthdays were in the same month. After spending all twelve years in elementary school, Junior High, and high school, they had literally known each other their whole lives. They became sweethearts in high...
by Marc Frye | May 20, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
I’m writing my article today from sunny Florida… sitting on the beach dreaming about the perfect investment. What if there were a place that I could shift assets to that would never lose money? Wouldn’t that would be great!? Insured municipal bonds come to...
by Sharon Groves | May 18, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
We’ve all heard this phrase over and over again the past year. But what is it, and can it actually be achieved? Herd immunity occurs when a high percentage or majority of the population achieves immunity to a disease, limiting the spread. It usually occurs in 2 ways:...
by David Edge | May 13, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
When we think about the best years of our lives, many of us wonder, have I already had them, are they happening right now, or will they be the best in my future? Past, Present, or future? What were you doing? Who was there with you? What you think or feel about this...
by David Edge | May 6, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Ahhh, …the month of May. Finally, most of the USA can breathe a sigh of relief as Summer can really begin with the warmer weather. While some are still dealing with the lingering piles of leftover snow, some parts of the country are already in full swing of the summer...
by David Schaeffer | May 4, 2021 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Some things never change. Some things change so fast you don’t even notice. Same!It seems like our politicians are always talking a good game. Sometimes we believe them; sometimes we don’t. Our government, thus far, has stood the test of time. Our constitution...