Avoid Winter Damage
Health Tip February 2017By David S Edge
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It’s winter and some of us take the attitude of
just hunker down and wait it out. Well, maybe
we should rethink this stance. Here is a list of
items that can make and keep you a bit
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1) Sunshine. That’s right, a daily dose
of Vitamin D from the sun can battle
the winter blues. Take a short walk or
open the blinds to bask in the light.
This bit of sunshine can improve not
only your health, but also your
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2) Don’t be isolated. Being alone can
create a wear-and-tear, doom-and gloom
attitude which just adds to
winter depression. Stay in touch!
Even if you can’t get out, make
phone calls and send emails to have
daily interaction with friends and
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3) Tread lightly.Wear shoes with good
traction to avoid any slips on wet or
icy sidewalks. Older folks recover
slowly from leg, hip, or back damage
that can be the result of a winter fall.
On slippery days, avoid going outside
unless absolutely necessary.
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4) Vehicle maintenance.Weather can
be the cause of a multitude of vehicle
issues. So, get your tires checked,
battery tested, change your oil, and
splurge on new windshield wiper
blades. Rain or snow on the
windshield needs to be removed so
we have a clear field of vision. Wiper
blades are a simple fix, but is often
one of the minor maintenance items overlooked
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5) Be prepared. Power outages are a fact of life during stormy months, so ensure there are extra batteries and non-perishable food items on hand to wait out temporary blackouts. It’s also a good idea to have a stock-pile of old-fashioned candles, just be sure to use these items safely. Make sure you have working carbon monoxide alarms as well as smoke detectors.
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6) Water. Drinking water is also a necessity, so make sure you have a few gallons stored in the event of a water-service interruption. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! A cup of coffee, tea, or even a good old cup of hot cocoa are delicious and comforting, but nothing beats a few glasses of water to avoid dehydration.
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Whether it’s cold, icy, or just wet… take precautions and be prepared!