Health Tip June 2017

Health Tip June 2017

Health Tip June 2017 The Benefits of Dark Chocolate!! [spacer height=”03px”] By Sharon C. Groves [spacer height=”02px”] Come Over to the Dark Side! No, we’re not talking about Darth Vader. We’re talking about cocoa……aka DARK CHOCOLATE. Yes, it...
Why am I me

Why am I me

Why am I me March 2017 By David Edge [spacer height=”03px”] Can you remember the time you first went to a doctor? That experience has made you either afraid of doctors or gave you a warm fuzzy about doctors? Either way that experience was something that...
Health Tip of the Month

Health Tip of the Month

Avoid Winter Damage Health Tip February 2017 By David S Edge [spacer height=”03px”] It’s winter and some of us take the attitude of just hunker down and wait it out. Well, maybe we should rethink this stance. Here is a list of items that can make and keep...