Why Am I Me June 2018

Why Am I Me June 2018

At some point in your life did you get an award for doing something so good that you were considered the best? If so, what was it? Who was there to see you get the award? Who gave you the award? Were you excited to receive the award? Was it unexpected or were you...
Success Story June 2018

Success Story June 2018

Many folks facing retirement don’t start to think about things they want until they are retired. They just keep working and going about their daily lives and say to themselves, “I’ll get around to it someday when I retire”.Well, waiting until you retire may be too...
Health Tip June 2018

Health Tip June 2018

Your body really does burn more calories maintaining muscle than maintaining fat. So the more muscle you build, the more calories your body will naturally burn each day on its own. Building muscles DOES increase your metabolism. According to a Wharton study, 10 pounds...
Financial Tip June 2018

Financial Tip June 2018

Happy June! Yay, no more school zones for a while. Watch out for more kids on the road though. So, this month I thought I would focus on one of the most important aspects of retirement; outliving your assets. I know, for most of us, this hits a nerve. We work our...
Feature Story 1 June 2018

Feature Story 1 June 2018

Oh June … June is our brightest month of the year with more hours in the sun than any other month. June 21st is the longest day of the year in our hemisphere for the single day with the most sunshine! So be careful outside and watch out for sunburn! Use lots of...