The Big Picture 2018

The Big Picture 2018

In a world fueled by social media stories of doom and gloom, celebrities, politicians, and the 30-second news cycle … has anything really changed in the past hundred years? When the “News of the World” was run by Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, and later, Hearst,...
Pay 2700. NOT 2018

Pay 2700. NOT 2018

Jason and Michelle are long-time clients. Over the years, we have assisted them with just about every service we offer; planning for Medicare and their options, financial retirement planning, etc. A few weeks ago, our Planning Department received a text stating they...
Financial Tip Nov 2018

Financial Tip Nov 2018

Hi folks. It’s me again. I thought I would do this month’s financial tip on something a little different. An article that you wouldn’t expect from a financial advisor. When do you NOT need a financial advisor. No, really. Everyone doesn’t need us. Let’s take a look....
November 2018

November 2018

Wacky Holidays in November. While we all enjoy our traditional holidays (like Thanksgiving) in the month of November, there are some really strange and wacky holidays held in this month. November 3rd, or the first Saturday in November, is “Sadie Hawkins Day” and this...