by David Schaeffer | Jan 8, 2019 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
If I asked Santa, Chanukah Harry, or the Quanza fairy (I made that one up), were you naughty or nice? I’m pretty sure we would fall solidly on the NICE side of the line, based on the thousands of five-star reviews our wonderful clients have bestowed upon our advisors....
by David Edge | Jan 3, 2019 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Looking forward and looking back? What? January was named after the Roman god, Janus, who was always pictured as having two heads so that he could look forward and backward! Wow, would that be cool! But we mortals must content ourselves with the vision of reviewing...
by David Edge | Dec 20, 2018 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog, Uncategorized
So, you did it! You finally made the big decision and retired! Boy, oh boy, do you have a list of stuff you want to do and a list of stuff you don’t have to do anymore! Some folks have planned for this day for years and others just had a moment when they were at work...
by David Edge | Dec 18, 2018 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Sometimes it’s something fun and sometimes it’s something out of necessity. But a good experience with shopping and getting a great meal can make your day! So how you approach these shopping tasks make you…. you! When was the last time you had to make a major...
by Sharon Groves | Dec 13, 2018 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
1- It can help with an upset stomach. It happens to everyone when we eat something that does not agree with us. We develop a stomach ache, with possible gas. This is usually because bacteria will build up where it shouldn’t. However, if your stomach pain is acute, you...
by David Edge | Dec 11, 2018 | The American Retirement Advisor Blog
Happy ChrisMaHannaQuansica! I think it’s some quote from a comedian a few years ago, who was trying to say something about our melting pot of traditions here in the U.S.A. for the holiday season. As I was driving home the week after Halloween, I was somewhat dismayed...