Happy ChrisMaHannaQuansica!
I think it’s some quote from a comedian a few years ago, who was trying to say something about our melting pot of traditions here in the U.S.A. for the holiday season.

As I was driving home the week after Halloween, I was somewhat dismayed that two radio stations were already playing Christmas music! It seems to get earlier and earlier!

I remember while growing up that there was a clear separation of holidays in the fall. Halloween was celebrated and decorated in retails stores. Then came Thanksgiving decorations. And the day after Thanksgiving came the Christmas decorations. Now, this year I saw Christmas decorations in the stores, along with presents and gifts for sale, two weeks before Halloween! Are you kidding me??? Starting the Christmas sales during Halloween is just too much!

Our retailer’s obsession with the Christmas season (as the most profitable season for this group of retailers), has invaded our daily consciousness. It almost ruins the spirit of Christmas, because it is pushed from September until New Years, with all the after-Christmas sales

In our household, we still have the separation of the three holidays, with decorations and certain holiday food traditions only made and
served at those specific holidays. Halloween has a special holiday hot-spiced glog that my wife makes just that one time a year, that we have only on Halloween night. Thanksgiving has the traditional meal with yes….a homemade pumpkin pie. Christmas day has become a day of brunch after opening presents. We just kind of graze and watch Christmas movies.

My friends that celebrate Hannukah seem to have a continuous feast for days, as we are invited to meals several times over that holiday. I always enjoy seeing the beautiful Menorahs with real candles burning. (Love those potato latkes)!

So, whatever your traditions, enjoy your holidays and if you don’t have any traditions? Start some!