Why am I me
Why Am I Me?
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Choices. You don’t know what you have!
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It’s been my experience that many Americans don’t always appreciate what we have and tend to take a lot of things for granted. Many Americans have not visited other countries that are not so benefit rich, and therefore have no appreciation for simple things like clean fresh drinking water, flushing toilets, cars, gas, and best of all… American grocery stores.
In my international travels over the years it didn’t seem to matter whether it was Europe, Africa, Asia, or wherever, the local amenities were lacking, compared to right here in the good old U.S.A.
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Access to fresh drinking water and food is a biggie in my book. I was amazed when some foreign friends arrived for a visit and to spend time in my home. They simply could not get over the fact that you could just drink water coming out of the spigot in the kitchen. “You don’t have to purify the water first”? They exclaimed! Their other big shock was a visit to the local grocery store. They thought we had access to a “special store” and it was only when we took them to several grocery stores that they realized all grocery stores were so abundant in what was stocked. The wife could not get over the fact that you went shopping once for all your groceries for the week! She has to shop daily on her way home from work for dinner every day! The butcher shop, the cheese shop, vegetable stand, bakery, and dry goods shops were all separate. Additionally, the other astounding thing was American refrigerators, they are so big! My guest’s ice box in their home is a small affair holding only a few cubic feet of food items.
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Another thing I appreciate may sound silly, but its American toilet paper! In other parts of the world the texture is more like cardboard or sandpaper! Talk about being thankful!
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Growing up poor in America is still like middle class in other countries. I personally appreciated every single thing I received from a free education, free music lessons, art, to sports, which were all part of the local public school system where I grew up. Many American kids today do not take advantage of the choices they have offered at school. Unfortunately, they seem to be more interested in the latest fad or music rock group than learning how to read a map or get an education. Sadly the “entitlement attitude” is prevalent amongst our youth. In third-world countries, kids are lucky if there is even a school to go to. With no education, poor perpetually stay poor due to the lack of choices or opportunity.
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It’s not all gloom and doom as there are always the people who recognize opportunity when they see it and grab it and run with the chance to improve themselves. These are the people who succeed because they know what they have! They make choices!
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Take a fresh look at what you have because it’s all about choosing from everything available. At times you don’t know all your choices, and that’s when you seek out advice from experts. Your education in areas of Medicare, Retirement Planning, Wills, Trusts, “Power of Attorney”, and “Do not resuscitate” orders? Don’t know? Call us we can help!