Why Am I Me - Jan 2017
Me Time!
As we go about our busy lives we sometimes seem to think that
there just isn’t enough time. Well, time for what?
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Running errands is almost a constant for most of us. The non-stop
list is something like this; Grocery store, pick up the
cleaning, drug store , stop and get gas, we’re almost out of pet
food, and don’t forget the doctor or dentist appointments! Oh,
and the adult kids called and needed something that took your
time to advise them or do something for them. You hear things
like, “it’s ok, they are retired and have the time to help with
whatever”. You can fill in the blank on that last one. But the point
is you may find yourself without any “me time”.
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Working or retired you need to make sure there is some me time
in your schedule. You know, that time where you can simply sit
down and read a few chapters in that latest best seller, or see that
movie you wanted to view? Or for Pete’s sake just lie down for a
nap in the middle of the day if you feel like it!
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Point is you can fill your daily life with all sorts of things if you
allow other outside forces to control or affect your daily life. At
times you need to sit back and ask yourself, “now what would
my kids or friends do if you weren’t there to handle that task or
chore for them”? You can bet your bottom dollar that they would
find another way to get that task done without your assistance.
You may need to realize that the easy answer for your kids and
friends can’t always be, to make you the answer to their problem.
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We recently took a few days off and went to the beach. We’re
planners and each day was planned to the max to where we
would go, what we would do, which restaurants we would eat
at. At some point in the middle of the second day, we realized
that we had planned everything except time for us to relax.
After mentioning this to my bride of 34 years, she realized it
was true. We put the brakes on in time to enjoy a day of just
letting things be. We slept in one morning, had a late breakfast,
walked to the beach, and got comfortable as we both read a few
chapters of our books we had brought. Sitting there with the
ocean breezes, listening to the roar of the surf as the waves
rolled in with the tide, I merely closed my eyes and was
thankful that we realized what we needed before it was too late.
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What you do with your schedule only needs one decision
maker, you.Allow yourself time for what you want, and when it
would be convenient for you to do something. Don’t allow
others to dictate your free time. Now before anyone goes off the
deep end of the other side, I’m not suggesting that we all turn
into totally selfish, regimented self-centered people. But we do
have to strike a balance with taking time out for yourself and
not being afraid to say “no”. Because no is an answer, and it
helps you make some “me time”.
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How you balance and juggle all the things in your life and make
personal time for yourself, makes you…well, you!
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Oh by the way, when is the last time you looked at how you
are spending your time? Make sure you’ve planned your
retirement for all contingencies, so you do allow yourself
“me time”.