An Unexpected Pleasure?
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Ever have an event or incident where you were the recipient of something wonderful and unexpected? Maybe it was finding an empty parking spot at the front of the store when you were pressed for time? Or could it be that you found something valuable or won something that you never expected?
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I remember an event as a young teen working at the Georgia Tech Stadium in Atlanta pitching peanut bags to earn extra money. After one home game we were requested to stay and assist the clean-up crew as several hadn’t shown up to get the stadium ready for the next event. While sweeping up trash I found not one, but two $20 bills! While I continued sweeping, I found additional change under seats that I collected. It was more than the money I had made over the last three hours pitching peanuts! I was so excited and could not believe my good fortune! What an unexpected pleasure!
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Another time my bride of 30+ years and I were at a vacation resort. We had checked in late and the front desk clerk told us to hurry to dinner because there was going to be a drawing for a special prize. I was unenthusiastic as I’ve heard this promise of “a great special prize” over and over at other events and was totally unfazed. As my wife and I entered the dining room we were handed two raffle tickets and the other matching half’s were tossed into the fish bowl. The prize however was a very nice piece of jewelry consisting of a turtle made out of polished black coral with an 18K gold trim outline. The tortoise shell was also hanging from a 22 inch gold chain. As we sat down and ordered our dinner all sorts of other announcements were being made for bingo at this point and time and aerobics at this time and location, etc., etc.
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Then the big moment everyone was waiting for, the drawing of the grand prize tonight! I was busy eating my dinner and paid no attention until they called out the numbers and my wife starting screaming!! I won! I won! As she walked up to the stage and collected the beautiful turtle, “I’ve never won anything in my life,” she exclaimed with a large smile. As she returned to our table, several other guests came by and congratulated her on her good fortune, as she beamed at her unexpected pleasure!
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Now I’m sure that we all have a story to tell if you just think about it. Maybe your unexpected pleasure wasn’t monetary; possibly it was receiving a warning from the traffic police instead of getting a ticket. Or it’s the “Aha!” moment just when you’re about to give up and you remember where you put those darn car keys or pair of glasses! We all receive these little unexpected pleasures at times, and sometimes it’s when you least expect it!
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As we start planning our retirement, every once in a while we have one of those unexpected pleasures when remembering a long lost retirement account or 401K that you forgot about, or had just ignored thinking “I’ll get to it one of these days.”
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The time is now, and the planning for retirement, selecting Medicare health plans, long term care, and estate planning, needs to commence! We have a wonderful team of folks who will custom design a retirement plan as directed by you! Keep in mind that no matter how small or how large your plan needs to be- “big or small we help them all.”
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This process can be an unexpected pleasure of finding out how neatly your life can operate over the next twenty years, with all the events that your life has to offer. For example; A 40th wedding anniversary cruise? A college fund for that grandchild? A vacation that you always wanted to take, but didn’t know if you could afford it? Don’t wait and keep guessing! Come and find out exactly what you have and what it can do for you.
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Don’t allow an unexpected pleasure to be ruined by an unexpected disaster! Planning is the key and we know folks who can help!
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Click here for the full version of the September newsletter.
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David S. Edge
V.P. of Unexpected
Healthcare & Retirement Planning Professional
Utilizing fact-based decision making to
protect your retirement lifestyle!