If you’re feeling like the virus will never end, you’re not alone. We’re now entering our ninth month since the pandemic officially began —nine months without normalcy. This consistent black cloud we’re under has consequences: a boom in mental health issues, social isolation, and constant stress. Now, there’s even a backlash against the measures that have kept many of us from catching the virus. It’s called COVID fatigue. Frustration, boredom, disappointment, depression — many of us are experiencing some of this — me included. Unfortunately, now is not the time to let down your guard. If you’ve been social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing your hands, keep doing so.

Cases are surging with new positive test rates higher in November than at any other time during the pandemic. While we are closer to vaccines and are doing a better job treating the symptoms of severe COVID-19, catching the coronavirus can still be a very real threat to your health.

Please keep your ‘wellness’ appointments. Why? Because your doctor may see possible health problems brewing that you may not notice. These may be things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Doctors can also measure issues like stress, anxiety, and depressions. These 3 issues can wreak havoc on your health. Of course, telemedicine is an option in lieu of in-person appointments.

We hope your holidays were good. Some of us have traveled, most have stayed home. Then again, we may have had friends and loved ones who visited with us over the holidays. If so, please be careful when you return.

Does it seem like most of my health articles have to do with COVID? Well, I promise next month it won’t. Please follow the CDC mandates to stay safe and well.