Health Tip of the Month: Back to School Shots!

By David S. Edge




As adults, we don’t really need to worry about “Back to School” shots, except for this year’s version of the Flu shot, which is free via our Medicare Part “B”. In addition to our annual Flu shot, we wouldn’t want a small cut from something rusty to make us sick, so make sure that your Tetanus shot is also up to date! If you travel on a regular basis there are other routine vaccinationsthat include Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Diphtheria-TetanusPertussis, Varicella (chickenpox) and Polio. Let’s say you’re finally taking that dream trip to Africa! In addition to your routine vaccinations add this to the list in order to ensure your safety: Hepatitis A&B, Typhoid, Malaria, Meningitis, Rabies, and Yellow Fever. Egypt? You can skip the Malaria and Meningitis vaccines. Point is, do your homework before you travel! Even if it’s just down to the mailbox! So whether it’s a global trip or you have exposure to kids of all ages, let’s keep safe and make sure we keep our vaccines up to date! *Center for Disease Control and Prevention




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