Why am I Me:

Frustration. Ever have one of those days?

By David Edge

You know ….the ones when just absolutely nothing seems to go your way? Getting dressed, you find a button is missing or the zipper is broken? You burn breakfast and then think just skip it because you’re already upset. Get behind a traffic jam and it takes twice as long to get to work. At your desk there’s a new pile of work someone just unceremoniously dumped on you that you weren’t expecting. Your computer has a virus and won’t work. And…it’s only 8:00 AM. Things will get better you say to yourself….but they don’t.

Frustration is growing and you are getting totally discombobulated (this is a state of confusion and annoyance for those of you from Yorba Linda).Point is, you know you’ve got to get yourself back on track for the rest of your day and you desperately need a “do over.” You shut the door to your office, hang a “do not disturb” sign on your doorknob, sit down and think, …… O.K. it’s time to regroup.You count to ten, take a deep breath, and go get a cup of coffee. Just that one little thing can give you a break and then… there you have it, a fresh start. Great! Now you can get back on track!

But,…. What do you do when you find your entire week, month or year headed in the wrong direction? You know retirement is coming but just can’t seem to find the time for research. There are all kinds of things you know you need to take care of.
When planning and reviewing all the aspects of issues for retirement, it can seem overwhelming. Healthcare plans, doctors, how to cover my drugs. What are we going to do if one of us gets sick? We need to get our Powers of Attorney completed along with a Will or a Trust, and what about a D.O.R.? What about long-term care issues?

Just thinking about everything we need to do to prepare for retirement can discombobulate anyone.When folks talk and complain to me about all the stuff they need to get done on their laundry list for a hassle-free retirement, I always tell them the same thing. “How do you eat an elephant”? Answer? “One bite at a time.”

Do you need a fresh start? One of the best things you can do is have somebody else do it for you. Oh, but wait, that will cost too much money? Hummmmmm…… maybe not. At American Retirement Advisors we’re here to help!