It's May!

May 2017

By David Edge

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The old adage “April showers bring May flowers” is pretty right on the mark in Arizona this year. We are having a bumper crop of desert flowers blooming this spring! But besides this little childhood ditty, other important holidays are in May.

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Mother’s Day falls on Sunday the 14th this year, so make that phone call and send that card, or better yet… flowers! You only have one Mom, so cherish her, or her memory.

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Are you a horse lover? Don’t forget the Kentucky Derby on Saturday the 6th. If  you go ladies, don’t forget your hat! The
Derby has become a big spring event with ladies and gentlemen dressing up for this once a year extravaganza! In addition to the day’s race and fun, you quite possibly just might get to sip a delightful mint julep!

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Mexico’s Independence Day, better known as Cinco de Mayo is May 5th, and it is almost more popular in the USA than in Mexico! Everyone likes an excuse to party, and who doesn’t like Mexican food?
Viva la Mexico!

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We also celebrate our national Day of Prayer on the 4th.There are several religious holidays in May such as Ascension, St. James and St. Phillip, Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzma’ut, and Shavuot, as well as the beginning of Ramadan and Lailatul Barat. Don’t know what some of these holidays are?

Take a few minutes and get educated about our friends with different beliefs and religions.

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We remember our military heros with National Armed Forces Day on May 20th, as well as Memorial Day which falls on the 29th this year. So, let’s salute our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard military members who are currently serving or are veterans, for protecting us and our wonderful country. If you like our freedom, thank a Veteran!

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There are also some fun national days we recognize in May with groups and events for World No Tobacco Day, National Brother Day, National Teacher Day, and National Burger Day, amongst others.

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So, Happy Spring! Pick the holiday of your choice; there is certainly something in the month to celebrate for everyone!