Guess what… only the electoral college will reveal the winner. Not ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN, or FOX. Not the Associated Press, BBC, or your favorite YouTuber. So, on December 14th, 2020, we will know. Then Congress must agree. Yup, it may not be over once the college convenes. Read about how John Quincy Adams became President.

As I stated in last month’s newsletter, conversations will abound, and folks will say things in the media and we still won’t know who won. The elections were conducted flawlessly in many states and not so much in some.

Several of our employees voted in person and did not have their ballots counted after checking online. Stories don’t become real until they happen to you or those close to you. That’s just not right! Unfortunately, the narratives are true.

What I am saying in this day of video everything, all election counting should be available for all to see online, unedited, and streamed live. All cameras on the ballots. Every angle is monitored and available for all to see. It would make for a boring show, but at least there would be 100% transparency.

Left or right, both sides have the right to a fair election. That is what makes America, America. At the end of the day, we must get back to our everyday lives. Some will go to work, some will fill their days with leisure, some will go to school. 2020 will soon be a memory. 2021 is the future. Whatever the outcome, I see a bright
future because I get to make my own destiny.


I wish you all a warm holiday season and a good new year.