You showed determination to get something you wanted at some time in your life. And no matter when, where, or what that thing was you wanted, that experience made you…you!

How many times in your life did you need to make the extra effort and not give up? A few times, or literally dozens of times toward making the extra effort or sacrifice to accomplish a certain goal or achievement?

Were there times when you just wanted to quit? Maybe in your thought process, the goal became just too difficult to reach? But something down deep in you propelled you to simply not give up! What was that motivating factor for you?

Was it a personal task, or maybe it was team-oriented? If you were the leader at the office where you worked, perhaps your determination spurred creativity, hope, and motivation to have your team stay focused and driven.

In my earlier years working at an international financial institution, a few management people underestimated me. But I always had a secret weapon, determination, which proved them wrong! I took on projects that no one else wanted and became the subject matter expert in those areas until, at some point, I made myself invaluable to the organization.
You might encounter coworkers who do not like you- whether jealous or simply don’t like the competition you create for them, thinking you might take something they feel is theirs. Whatever the reason, your gumption created a threat.

The bottom line is that you must believe that your future is in your hands. And remember, determination can take on different aspects or applications. Maybe you work longer hours; perhaps you are creative and can come up with unique solutions. Don’t allow your actions to affect what others think of you. Always set your sights toward a future of positive outcomes!

As you look over your life’s achievements, only you can identify what it took to succeed in each endeavor. That’s what made you…you!