Meet one-on-one to solve some of the leading challenges facing retirees in America today.



including Medicare, Individual and Group Plans. Discover how Mr. Schaeffer shares the experience of thousands of clients with you. Learn which options will meet your needs before you need them!


Retirement Plans

including Pension and Individual 401k/ IRA programs. Mr. Schaeffer only works with clients preparing for retirement or already retired. See why Mr. Schaeffer’s certified track record has never lost a penny of client money, ever!


Legacy Planning

including Estates and Business Succession. What happens if you loose a spouse and their pension and social security? Simple planning can avoid significant lifestyle changes after the loss of a loved one.


Long Term Care

Planning including Medicaid Group and Individual programs. Are you really prepared for the mental and financial burdens of caring for a loved one 24 hours a day? Planning ahead can avoid the costs to your physical health as well as your families life long savings.

Get your questions answered and concerns put to rest today!


Contact our scheduling director,
Mr. Herman Lovato, at 602-413-7345.
You can always call the office in Scottsdale directly at 602-281-3898


Contact our Customer Care Manager, Judi Lovato,  at